Booking a group study room.

How can I book a group study room in the library?


There are two ways of booking a group study room in the library:

1. Via the QR codes on the study room doors or

2. Via our Library Guides (see the link below) and then selecting the 'Book a Study Space' option. Bookings can be made between 9am and 5pm and are for a maximum period of 2 hours with a maximum of 3 bookings per week permitted. 

Once you have made a booking you will receive a confirmation email which will contain a link to check in for the room at the relevant time. Pease note that if you don't check in within 15 minutes of the booking start time your booking request may be cancelled. Once you have checked in your student ID card will open the study room door. (There is no longer any need to collect a key from the library service desk.)

At weekends and after 4.30pm during the week there is no need to book. If a study room is empty you can use it without needing to book.

Please keep study rooms clean and tidy. If you experience any problems either booking or accessing study rooms please ask a member of the library team for help via the library service desk.



  • Last Updated Oct 01, 2024
  • Views 138
  • Answered By Rachel Harrison

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