Reading newspapers online.
To access newspapers online via the library you will need to use our A-Z of databases and the link for the LexisPlus database. Once LexisPlus is open you should see a link to newspapers on the first page (make sure you choose newspapers and not news).
You can use the long search box on the newspapers page to search all UK national and local newspapers at once. Once you have some results, you can use the options on the left to filter your results. You can also search within your results or apply a timeline option.
Alternatively, you may find it more helpful to choose a smaller category to search in for example, UK Broadsheets.
To choose specific titles, first select the appropriate category for example, UK Broadsheets, to see a list. Choose 'Select sources' to search and then tick as many as you want. Select the title of any article to read it. You can download it or print it from that page too.
The Financial Times is not available via LexisPlus but you can access it via our A-Z list of databases and clicking on the F tab at the top.