Library resources at Aylesbury Campus.

What library services are available for students based at the Aylesbury campus?


BNU has campus libraries at High Wycombe and Uxbridge. At the Aylesbury campus we have a small print collection of nursing, midwifery, social work and engineering essential texts.  We endeavour though to make all resources required for courses being taught at Aylesbury available online.

If there is a book at either Uxbridge or High Wycombe which you would like to borrow, place a hold on it so that we can deliver it to Aylesbury for you.  You will receive a notification once the book is ready for you to collect at Aylesbury from the main reception desk. You can use our self-service terminal to issue and return books to yourself.

If you would like in person support with anything to do with the library, make an appointment with your subject librarian and select the location as Aylesbury. (See the link to Library Guides below).

Remember, all students are welcome to use any campus library so if you are an Aylesbury student but Uxbridge or High Wycombe are convenient for you to use, please do so.  


  • Last Updated Oct 01, 2024
  • Views 56
  • Answered By Rachel Harrison

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